Susan Rodgers Design
Susan Rodgers
Stony Brook, NY
Founded in 2006, Susan Rodgers Designs is a New York-based jewelry studio that creates sustainable and nature inspired jewelry.
Growing up on Long Island, nearby Fire Island, where we vacationed, became my solace, my “home.” It was my escape from the unsettling confusion of home life, where my family’s energy was channeled into the care of my terminally ill sister.
I found comfort in the canopied trees, the damp coolness of the shade where my imagination was never limited but instead flourished.
My days were spent in perpetual motion, dreaming and creating with everything in my magical surroundings.
A respite. My safe place. In a home that felt uncertain, the Sunken Forest on Fire Island was always there for me. Steady and dependable. Nurturing and joyful.
My earliest influences as an artist grew out of a passion for nature and were further embedded in my core by my father, an expert craftsman. His tools intrigued, fascinated me, and called to me. He mesmerized me with his talent for hours (and still does today). Fire Island and my connection to the Sunken Forest runs deep. They are part of every summer memory, and I cannot separate them from the rest of my childhood. When my essence was most malleable, this magical place embedded itself into the core of who I am as a person and an artist. Incorporating my love of the outdoors into my work was only natural, if not inevitable.
Plain and Simple - We design and create our jewelry designs for you to wear and feel special by the flattering elegant lines and textures. Like in nature, you are unique and your jewelry should reflect that.
We take pride in our attention to detail and quality. The small details are just as important as the larger ones in our jewelry. The nature inspired textures and lines are the essence of each piece of jewelry.
We use earth-friendly processes to create our recycled sterling jewelry. Inspired by all the beauty nature provides, feel confident that you are a integral part in being kind to what we have.
Our jewelry designs are created with the beauty of versatility. Wear our jewelry designs with your favorite t-shirt and jeans to your most special outfit.